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Yes, you can get a CEPH accredited MPH without a Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) score.
While many schools that offer an MPH degree do require a GRE, some do not, including the University of New England’s Master of Public Health Program and University of South Florida’s College of Public Health. However, this does not mean that they have lower standards than other schools. Those that don’t insist on a GRE will normally use other methods to determine a student’s eligibility to attend an MPH degree school or program.
For instance, the college or university may rely on applicants’ grades or grade point average (GPA), letters of recommendation from other schools or school officials, and/or scores from other tests to assess eligibility.
When working professionals apply to MPH schools or programs, their experience and proven skills are often enough for them to gain entrance and study for the degree. Also, there are some schools that don’t require a GRE, but that sometimes ask students to take the GRE to be sure they will cope with MPH courses.
Moreover, many schools insist on letters of recommendation, proof of GPA, and have other eligibility requirements in addition to needing prospective students to take a GRE.
However, GRE score requirements may differ from school to school…
An example, the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s College of Public Health has a requirement that verbal and quantitative reasoning, and analytical writing GRE scores must be no less than 40 percent, while the West Virginia University’s School of Public Health requires (GRE) scores of at least 146 for verbal reasoning, of 144 for quantitative reasoning, and 3.0 for analytical writing.
Other examples of how schools differ:
So it is not simply whether or not a school calls for a GRE that matters; the important factor is whether or not prospective students have the necessary qualifications or proven experience to succeed in the degree program.
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