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Yes, CEPH accreditation is very important for MPH programs because it ensures that the program meets specified criteria and standards, which is important for students. It can also impact on future careers and earning capacity since there are some employers that will only accept MPH graduates from CEPH-accredited programs and/or schools.
To be accredited by the CEPH, schools must show that they meet the standards and criteria, including the ability to ensure academic excellence so that students will get good, solid employment once they have graduated. It is vital to the CEPH that all programs offered provide the highest quality of education possible.
The CEPH is an independent agency, and the only organization that the US Department of Education recognizes as the official accrediting body for public health schools and programs.
There are other organizations that provide universities with regional accreditation, but this type of accreditation applies to the establishment as a whole, and not to specific programs. The CEPH accreditation is, on the other hand, specialized or programmatic, specifically dealing with the public health curriculum for an MPH degree.
There are also two different sets of accreditation standards, one for schools and the other for public health programs.
Additionally, schools are required to offer doctoral programs. However, both types of accreditation carry the same weight in terms of status.
When the CEPH accredits a school or program, they are essentially giving some assurances to those who study MPH at that particular educational institution. They are confirming that the program is committed to promoting public health and safety in the community, by educating public health professionals who will be competent. They are also assuring the students who are signing up for an MPH degree that the curriculum at that school or school program meets the standards required in the field, and that students will be able to transfer credits should they decide to change to another school that is CEPH accredited.
CEPH accredited schools also have greater opportunities for federal funding, which in turn leads to better resources.
Note that there is currently a total of 52 school and 108 programs accredited by the CEPH. The Council provides an online search for public health schools and programs that are accredited.
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