Which MPH Degree Program is Best for Your Career?

If you are someone who is considering earning a Master of Public Health (MPH) to take your career to the next level, you may have already reviewed several different programs and come to a conclusion: Not all MPH degree programs are the same. In fact, there can be substantial differences from one program to the next.

Then which program should you pursue?

To answer this question, there are a few things you should consider before choosing any MPH degree program.

What is Your Healthcare Specialty?

online-mph-degree-careersThe field of public health is very diverse and includes a variety of healthcare professions. If you are considering earning an MPH, then it is best to pursue a program that is most closely related to your current job or your future career goals.

While it is possible to earn a general MPH, most MPH degree programs offer a few core courses with the remaining courses in a specialty like public health research, epidemiology, global health, infectious diseases, health education, and a whole host of others. If your career goal is to acquire a public health job teaching child and maternal health to people living in rural communities, then you would want to pursue an MPH degree program with a specialty in the field of child and maternal health. Earning an MPH in a field of study that is different from the direction you want to take your career isn’t necessarily a deal breaker, but it could make acquiring your dream job a bit harder. It is always best then to choose an MPH degree program with a specialty that is as close to your career goal as possible.

Is The MPH Program Accredited?

If you intend to pursue an MPH from a school based in the United States, there are two types of accreditation you should be aware of: regional accreditation and program accreditation.

Regional accreditation is the type of accreditation that colleges and universities in the United States typically hold. There are six of these accrediting agencies in the country and each one is responsible for making sure the schools within their specific regions comply with a set of minimum standards.

The second type of accreditation, or program accreditation, is a specialized accreditation that specific schools within a university can hold for added credibility. Examples of program accreditation include the American Bar Association (for law schools), the American Psychological Association (for psychology-related programs), the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (for business degree programs) and others.

CEPH-Accredited-Masters-LogoThe premiere agency that accredits MPH programs is the Council on Education in Public Health (CEPH). Although there is nothing that says MPH programs must be accredited by the CEPH, the best schools will typically have this accreditation. And you want to go through the best program you possibly can, right? Be sure to do your homework and check out the accreditation of both the school and its MPH degree program before enrolling.

Consider the Cost of MPH Programs

The cost of MPH programs vary greatly from one program to the next. Unless your employer is paying for you to go through an MPH program, it’s always a good idea to go through an affordable program so that you don’t have to accumulate a lot of student loan debt. Thankfully, since so many of these programs are now available online, it’s very easy to compare and contrast programs to find one that matches your budget.

Consider the Reputation of the School

Just as there is a lot of variation in the many different MPH programs offered, there is also a lot of variation in the reputations of the schools offering them. If possible, choose a school that has a strong reputation so that no one will ever question the school when they see it on your resume.

For more information check out our list of schools with accredited Online MPH Programs.

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Schools with Online MPH Programs
A.T. Still University Online MPH
Benedictine University Online MPH
Concordia University of Nebraska Online MPH
Creighton University Online MPH
Des Moines University Online MPH
East Tennessee State University Online MPH
Emory University Online MPH
Florida A&M University Online MPH
George Washington University Online MPH
Idaho State University Online MPH
Johns Hopkins University Online MPH
Liberty University Online MPH
Loma Linda University Online MPH
Loyola University Online MPH
Medical College of Wisconsin Online MPH
New Mexico State University Online MPH
New York Medical College Online MPH
Northern Illinois University Online MPH
Nova Southeastern University Online MPH
OHSU-PSU School of Public Health Online MPH
Rivier University Online MPH Programs
San Jose State University Online MPH
Simmons College Online MPH Program
Tulane University Online MPH
University at Albany-SUNY Online MPH
University of Alabama Online MPH
University of Alaska Online MPH
University of California Berkeley Online MPH
University of Florida Online MPH
University of Illinois Online MPH
University of Massachusetts-Amherst Online MPH
University of Minnesota Online MPH
University of Montana Online MPH
University of Nebraska Medical Center Online MPH
University of New England Online MPH
University of North Carolina Online MPH
University of North Texas Online MPH
University of South Carolina Online MPH
University of South Florida Online MPH
University of Southern California Online MPH
University of West Florida Online MPH
West Virginia University Online MPH

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