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Many universities and colleges offer Master of Public Health (MPH) programs geared for nurses. Some offer a degree that focuses specifically on public health nursing while still maintaining the five traditional core discipline areas defined for public health. Others offer masters programs that have been tailored specifically for nurses.
For nurses to achieve the satisfaction and reward beyond simply nursing patients, they need to take their role to another level. This satisfaction can be accomplished by taking on leadership roles, by performing advanced research functions, or by involvement with patients’ rights advocacy. These functions can be achieved by specializing in certain areas including biostatistics, epidemiology, environmental health, public health nutrition, public health practice, or community health.
MPH programs that are ranked highly for nurses include those offered by the Universities of:
In addition, there are a few universities that cater specifically to students who want to focus on nursing, and gain a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), as well as an MPH:
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